Safe Continuity of Service Plan

Ensuring a Healthy Learning Environment: Protocols and Procedures at Imagine Academy at Sullivant

The recently passed American Rescue Plan (ARP) provides substantial federal resources to support states and local school districts. The federal template also includes a requirement that districts receiving American Rescue Plan funds must publish local “Safe Return to In-Person Instruction and Continuity of Services Plans” by June 24, 2021. This plan is created to meet the requirement and set forth procedures for the safe operation for Imagine Schools for the 2021 – 24 school years.

Universal and correct wearing of masks:

• For the 2021-22 school year, Imagine Schools mask policies are that students, staff, and visitors are voluntary but are recommended for those who have not been vaccinated. If the state or local health department changes the mask orders, Imagine Schools may require the correct use of facial coverings.

Physical distancing (e.g., including the use of cohorts/podding):

• Imagine Schools Classroom capacity will support three feet physical social distance protocol. Signs will also be posted to remind people of the importance of social distancing.

Handwashing and respiratory etiquette:

• Sanitizing dispensers are located outside of every classroom
• Students and Staff members will wash and/or sanitize hands regularly.

Cleaning and maintaining healthy facilities, including improving ventilation:

• Routine cleaning and sanitizing of the building by the Maintenance/Janitorial Dept. throughout the day and night will be completed, putting a priority on high-traffic areas:
• Door handles, light switches, countertops, etc
• Teachers will disinfect classroom surfaces (desks, chairs, doors, etc.) throughout the day. To help improve ventilation, will are installing Air Ionization Technology to reduce Coronavirus Surrogate by 99% Airborne and 80% on Surfaces in 10min.
• Air Ionization Technology improves the overall health & wellness of a building and its occupants by reducing pathogens, allergens, and odors

Contact tracing in combination with isolation and quarantine, in collaboration with the state, local, territorial, or tribal health departments:

• Limited to enrolling new students in the main office and emergencies.
• Follow all physical distancing and safety measures during their time in the building
• Complete a health check, including a temperature check prior to entrance
• The front office staff will monitor absences and conduct contact tracing for staff and students.
• If required, the office’s staff will report weekly positive cases to the COVID-19 district coordinator
• Imagine Schools of Akron will follow Summit County Health Department protocols for the quarantine and isolation of staff and students.

Diagnostic and screening testing:

• Any student or staff member experiencing symptoms will be immediately isolated, Caregivers are contacted in order to safely transport the student or staff member safely away from school.
• The district will follow Summit County Health Department protocols for the quarantine and isolation of staff and students.

Efforts to provide vaccinations to educators, other staff, and students, if eligible:

• The district will continue to partner with local health officials to provide vaccination opportunities for staff, students, and the community.

Appropriate accommodations for children with disabilities with respect to the health and safety policies:

• In cases of documented medical conditions and/or disabilities, staff or students who cannot wear a face covering will be exempt from this requirement
• The district will provide health and safety accommodations in accordance with students’ Individual Education Plans.

Describe how the school will ensure continuity of services including but not limited to services to address the student’s academic needs, and students and staff social, emotional, mental health, and other needs, which may include student health and food services:

Food Services

• All students will receive free breakfast and lunch for the 2021-22 school year. If school is closed due to a pandemic, the district will distribute meals to families as was completed during the 2020-21 school year.

Social and Emotional Health Needs

• Imagine Schools will continue to implement Positive Behavior Intervention and Supports (PBIS) for grades K-6.
• Imagine Schools has partnered with Winston Consulting and Consulting, Minority Behavior, and Dreams Academy for on-site social, emotional, and mental health services

Academic Needs

1. Imagine Schools plan to continue full in-person learning moving forward.
2. In the event of a school closure due to the pandemic, the district will provide students services remotely.
3. The district will continue to offer extended learning opportunities for after-school summer enrichment.

Describe how the school will engage in meaningful consultation with STAKEHOLDERS:

• Imagine Schools will host bi-monthly Board meetings to engage in meaningful consultation with stakeholders. Imagine Schools will continue to assess and adjust procedures in accordance with state and local guidelines. This document is posted on the district website and will be reviewed every 6 months.